Lucy Simms

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Tuesday 19 April 2011

Medieval Day

A beautiful spring day, a picnic with the family, a little bit of history and tea with friends made the perfect day last Sunday.
Harlech Knights Re-enactment Group visited Lacock Abbey for the day with their medieval nuns, knights and craftspeople.

medieval nun


lady spinning wool

medieval style tapastry

After informative talks about medieval weapons and how they were used in battle the knights performed an unrehearsed battle to the pretend death in front of the crowd. Even wearing chain mail and helmets they must have endured a few prize bruises but good fun to watch and we all cheered them on. Fight, Fight, Fight... 

On our way home we stopped off at the allotment as the first early potatoes were showing themselves and needed rowing up. Plus the girls wanted their first glims of the slow worms soaking up the heat under a piece of tarpaulin on the compost heap.
They had babies too but they were camera shy.

The day was complete after a cold glass of beer and a nice cup of tea with friends in the village who had been relaying an old patio in their garden.

no these were not those friends just others blocking the path on the way home. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'm the knight in Black and Yellow. The society doesn't have any photographs of out visit to Lacock Abbey.

    Would it be possible to use a few of your photos on our web site please? We will, of course, credit you in the picture title.

    You are correct about bruises and there was a bit of blood as well. I'm glad you enjoyed your day out. We'll hopefully be there again next year.


